Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It's Election Time

... Today, opposition parties united and defeated our elected government's intention to extend the anti-terrorism laws. Two weeks ago, opposition parties united against our elected government to force the Kyoto Accord on our country.
... There are no options... our elected government is unable to govern... an election must be called as soon as possible.

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Next Liberal Leaders

... Dion will be gone by this time next year. Mr. Ignatieff will be the next leader, and his honeymoon will be shorter than Mr. Dion's.
... Mr. Ignatieff is like a political Mr. McGoo... completely oblivious to the trail of destruction that he leaves behind. He will last as leader for a year or two. Then, the party will drag up Justin Trudeau, who will obviously be the worst choice of all.
... And, all the time, Mr Harper will just get stronger and stronger...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Party's Over...

... A year ago, we had a Liberal government, it seemed that it had always been so, and that it would always be so.
... Then we voted, the Conservatives became our government, and there was a quiet over the land. The slow left-ward drift of our nation since the 70's just stopped the moment that Mr. Harper became our prime minister. The time had come to begin to repair the damage from the legacy of Pierre Trudeau; whom we, in our innocence and ignorance, had allowed to erode our nation's moral and economic foundations.
... Mr. Dion is both responsible for, and a victim of his party's plummeting popularity. After the initial, brief honeymoon, the polls would be the same for any leader. The Liberal party is now only an empty shell of aimless opportunists... believing in nothing, united by nothing.
... A year ago, we gave the apparently entrenched Liberal party a mild, if seemingly futile rebuke. Everything will have changed in the next election. This time the party's over...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Cartoon idea...

Mr Dion proudly announces that the Liberals have filled their quota for women candidates... (He is standing at a podium and pointing to the group behind him- his "Dream Team" dressed in women's clothes, wigs, etc...)

"I'd like to introduce Bobbi Rae, Michelle Ignatieff,..."

I know folks, not in the best taste... but, it made me laugh...

Friday, February 16, 2007

On Mr. Harper

... It's funny, you just never hear the sound of laughter coming from the Left anymore.

... For the first time since the 60's, like the first light of a returning dawn, our culture is turning to the Right.

... Mr. Harper is like some instinctive political martial artist... knowing when to make a move, and knowing when to step lightly aside from the opponent's attacks, allowing them to exhaust themselves with their own ambitions.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Kyoto continued...

... Hey Mr. Dion and Mr. Layton... here's your future.

... In your desperation to avoid personal political obscurity, you've bet your careers on a dishonest, deceitful "Kyoto or bust" position, which will now unavoidably cause an election in the next few months. You will huff and puff, and the Conservatives will win another minority government. Meanwhile, it is likely that your parties will only decline in numbers, and despite the initial "rally around the leader" following election failure, you will be forced to resign your positions... much to the delight of the Liberal "Dream team", each of whom believe themselves to be the truly intended, yet merely delayed, Liberal leader.

... In the end, all that will change for your present partisan posturing is that the country will know that, even if they do not gain any additional seats, the Conservatives are the country's government for the foreseeable future, and Mr. Harper is unquestioningly the party's leader... whereas the two of you will be grinding your teeth, out of sight and out of mind.

... Lads, you're almost history, and you deserve it.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

On Kyoto

... It was an interesting week in Canadian politics as the majority of federal MPs voted to continue support for the universally acknowledged unachievable Kyoto accord, which remains supported by the majority of Canadians, though the contents of the accord are understood by almost no one... a perfect combination of the dishonesty and opportunism of the Opposition MPs, and the intellectual apathy and indifference of the Canadian people...

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Nuclear Age

...Actually, the global warming issue is quite simple. As Patrick Moore (co-founder Greenpeace) stated April 16/06 "nuclear energy may just be the energy source that can save our planet from cataclysmic climate change".
...I expect, that after a few years of discussion, the world will set off on a rapid conversion to nuclear energy. It is unlikely that there will be the burning of fossil fuels in 20 years.
...It will also create an indirect benefit of increased political stability throughout the world.
...Of course, there will be a few years of understandable opposition, fueled and exploited by opportunistic opposition MP's and self-serving labour leaders. There will be tremendous street rallies full of people shouting slogans, breaking store windows, and burning effigies of George Bush, even though he is essentially retired.
... However, in the end it will be beautiful, the air will be clean again, and all the world will be powered by quiet, clean nuclear energy.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

On the Left

...A universal psychological indication of the political Left is an adolescent atmosphere of outright indignation at the existence of every economic and environmental issue, each unquestioningly embraced as a further example and opportunity to justify and sustain their chronic condemnation of independent enterprise, and an almost instinctive animosity towards the artificial authority figures of elected representatives...