Wednesday, June 27, 2007

On Mr. Black

... Convicted or not, Mr. Black will only be a free man when he puts this behind him.
... Even if he is acquitted of all charges, yet spends his remaining years focussed on resentment and retribution, then he is more imprisoned than were he to be convicted- yet, shaking the dust off of his feet, and looking forward to the fresh literary opportunity of each new day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Re: Harper praises N. Brunswick

... "I'm the only premier... who is asking for less from Ottawa to break the cycle of dependence." Shawn Graham- Premier New Brunswick
... There are rare, pivotal moments upon which history turns... Premier Graham's admirable, courageous statement may be one of them.

Monday, June 25, 2007

On the Liberals

... All the Liberals need is a new face- any new face- and we will again be spared the awkward confusion of being confronted by "divisive" questions of political principles... restoring our proud Canadian tradition of ideological ambivalence, aversion, and indifference.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Senate passes budget for Kyoto

... Well, that makes no sense. I guess that Mr. Harper was just too tired to bother standing up for his own budget and beliefs.
... I imagine that I will be too tired to bother voting for him again...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

On Modern "Music" N.P. June 20

... Modern "music" is not actually music at all... but more in the nature of a pacemaker to those with no true life in them, or an amphetamine to those with no true energy, or an alarm clock to those merely sleep-walking through life.
... The music of the last hundred years has been a steady decline to the demonic pounding, grating, and screaming of today's culturally-corrosive acoustic contamination.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Next Election

... The Conservatives came to power in the last federal election for two reasons- there were those who were voting for Mr. Harper, and those merely voting against the Liberals. In the next election, there will remain those voting against the Liberals; however, despite Mr. Harper's early flashes of courage and conviction, he has lost the interest and enthusiasm of his initial supporters.
... Therefore, our next government will likely be a Liberal minority, even though the party remains essentially a confused crossroads of ideological drifters and pseudo- passionate posers promising another entirely unrealistic platform to legislate an immediate end to poverty, pollution, prejudice, and global conflict.
... And, Mr. Harper will deservedly spend more time in Opposition... the moral of the story being that it is just a little disappointing when you buy a blue suit at the store, only to discover a pink one in the bag when you get home...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Re: Equalisation payments N.P. Gunter

... The Great Canadian Delusion is our child-like collective belief that, through the mysterious power and benevolent providence of government, we are each getting more out of "the system" than we are putting in... an irrational, undying allegiance to the socialist principle of forced economic re-distribution (F.E.P)... between individuals, provinces, and even countries.
... Which is why we shall always cling to this leaky collectivist lifeboat, turning a blind eye to the self-serving manipulations of politicians, slumbering soundly in the loving arms of the state.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Re: Kabul Bombers N.P. Martin Jn 18

... It is unbelievable that groups such as the Taliban could ever convince anyone that suicide/murder is God's greatest aspiration for their life... nothing could be more clearly the face of evil revealed.
... Yet, over here, there remains sizable segments of our society sleepwalking through life, mindlessly mumbling the mantra "Hey, it's all good...".

Friday, June 15, 2007

No one has a "right" to another's income...

Re: Sask. to Sue Jn14

... It is time to run when you hear a left-wing politician demanding "fairness"... inevitably an insatiable, elusive, unattainable horizon of state-sustained advantage at the forced expense of others... ever open to further arbitrary, incremental adjustments upon the achievement of any fiscal territory.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Legalising Drugs NP June 13

... Legalised or not, the problem is that we live in an age where our ambitions idolise immediate self-gratification. The un-natural desire to do drugs is a desperate, destructive attempt to feel alive for a few moments- an artificial, transient experience in an increasingly de-humanised civilisation.
... A true culture cultivates constructive, contributing, cheerful community members. The drug "culture" only ever achieves exactly the opposite.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Re: Men of Action N.P. Kay Jn12

... Mr. Kay raises some good and deserved points.
... Of course, it is easy for wealthy men like Mr. Gore and Bono to manifest the magnitude of their generosity and compassion by indignantly demanding the forced sacrifice of those less able to give charitably, or less able to afford the added expense of increased environmental options- by smiling, opportunistic politicians equally eager to publically display their own generosity and compassion by signing new laws, and spending other people's money.
... Mr. Gore and Bono are not so much men of action, but typical left-wingers, demanding the forced actions of others to achieve their own goals.

Monday, June 11, 2007

On "Collective Bargaining"

... Last week' Supreme Court decision to protect "collective bargaining" enshrines a regressive communist concept which endorses extortion attempts by unions against employers. A nation based upon the principles of liberty respects that an employer is free to determine the conditions of offered employment- whether the employer is a lemonade stand, or the federal government.
... Now that the ball is in the air, let us start cleaning things up by eliminating the archaic public service unions- restoring the accountability to elected representatives to determine employment conditions, and ending the extortions against taxpayers...

Friday, June 8, 2007

On Heads of State

... For the past few generations, almost every head of state in the world has been voted out of office amidst an acknowledged atmosphere of disappointment and disapproval. Is this just an astounding, astronomical co-incidence?
... No, it is that we have accumulated entirely unrealistic expectations of their role in our lives. We insist that they become essentially demi-gods- ending poverty, pollution, prejudice, crime, and international conflicts... restoring both health and happiness to all.
... If , after a few months or years, they have failed to fulfill all of these demands, we look to the next candidate, who is only too eager to promise to achieve all of the above.
... In a respectful, free world, the role of a head of state is to protect our liberty to work towards these values; unlike these days, when we sit back and wait for the waves of their magical political wands...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

On Strikes...

... Well, now that the warm weather has returned, it is time for another pointless procession of summer strikes- the constructive contribution of union officials, those parasites on the working man, who's only interest is to encourage ingratitude and division between employer and employee.
... One of the more transparent knee-slappers to emerge from the murky depths of left-wing economic fantasy is the labeling of strikes as "job actions"; whereas, back in the real world, we are obviously discussing "job inaction".
... There is absolutely no place in a civilised, respectful society for individuals to attempt to extort conditions from employers- a regressive communist concept which considers a job to be the common property of both the employer and employee...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Protesting is...

... Protesting is... an attractive afternoon outing for the generally dissatisfied to ease their conscience from a life otherwise exclusively occupied with accumulating abundance... a chance to chant childish slogans, arm-in-arm with an eclectic assortment of individuals enthusiastically united in apparent outward unanimity, yet often entirely opposing interests... an almost universally ineffective effort, as the disrespectful and destructive actions of the "leaders" discredit any potentially valid concerns of those further back in the pack... a somewhat crude, unimaginative tribal-like gathering of those with an almost unconscious affinity with others equally antagonistic towards any authority- whether politicians, police, priests, or parents... a fairly confused fantasy that one is "doing something", when the reality is that one is actually "doing nothing".

Saturday, June 2, 2007

A Fine Line...

... It's a fine line between great philosophers who guide historical revolutions, and someone just standing around saying that somebody should do something...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Re: "Disruption works" N.P Martin June 1

... Would all the land, and all the money in the world change anything for native people? Would they learn self-respect, and respect for each other? Would they no longer be a people always needing help, and become a people who help others?
... The answer, respectfully, is no.
... It is an easy excuse to sit back and blame others for one's state in life, or to believe the timeless delusion that money and material possessions will bring fulfillment and happiness.
... Our lives gain meaning and value when we shift from a childish concern with what we can get from life, to embracing the personal discipline required to cultivate our gifts to help others...