Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Next Election

... The Conservatives came to power in the last federal election for two reasons- there were those who were voting for Mr. Harper, and those merely voting against the Liberals. In the next election, there will remain those voting against the Liberals; however, despite Mr. Harper's early flashes of courage and conviction, he has lost the interest and enthusiasm of his initial supporters.
... Therefore, our next government will likely be a Liberal minority, even though the party remains essentially a confused crossroads of ideological drifters and pseudo- passionate posers promising another entirely unrealistic platform to legislate an immediate end to poverty, pollution, prejudice, and global conflict.
... And, Mr. Harper will deservedly spend more time in Opposition... the moral of the story being that it is just a little disappointing when you buy a blue suit at the store, only to discover a pink one in the bag when you get home...

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