Friday, September 28, 2007

Flanagan's defence of Tory's

... Mr Flanagan has fairly defended small steps taken by the Conservative party, as well as reasonably argued the virtue in avoiding alienating those who might be adverse to "radical reform".
... However, it is inexcusable that he should be so condescending to those not so quick to compromise principle for power- those that he declares need to develop a more "mature" relationship with the party- those who might believe that we are not actually moving "in the right direction", but that we are not moving at all.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Liberal Way

... The Liberal's apparent obsession with abandoning Afghanistan and implementing Kyoto is more an attempt to distract Canadian's from the absence of any true party identity, beyond criticising Conservative policies and stealing NDP ones; thus, the Liberal's meandering menagerie of dilettantes and debutantes, astronauts and academics, communist's sons and capitalist's daughters- all faithful followers of the magical, meaningless Middle Way.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Harper at the UN ..2

... Ahhh well... too quick with the accolades.
... Yesterday at the UN, our prime minister stated that there shouldn't be a choice between "unfettered capitalism on the one hand, and unfettered socialism on the other".
... Which, my friends, is saying absolutely nothing.

Harper at the UN

... We should be very proud of our prime minister at the UN this week, as he clearly and courageously defined the role of the state in a free nation..."Government's main role is to design tax and regulatory systems that enable the free market to work".
... What a far cry from the unrealistic fantasies and empty promises of previous Liberal governments- always quick with the smiles and signatures for a sympathetic press.
... It will take time to renew the spirit of initiative and independence which has been extinguished by generations of socialism in our nation- as evidenced by the popular, pitiful belief that the key to any change is angrily demanding government "action".

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Three Small Men

... There is a good chance that our country will be forced into an entirely unnecessary fall election. Why?... to appease the ambitions and arrogance of three small men desperate to defend their leaderships- dishonestly demanding an environmental policy that they know to be unachievable.
... An election will only return Mr. Harper another minority government, and the well-deserved resignation of all three of these small men.

Monday, September 24, 2007

On Mr. Layton

... It must be begrudgingly admitted that Mr. Layton- the man who will likely save this country an entirely unnecessary fall election- is quietly emerging as an icon of integrity. He has not abandoned every personal political principle upon election like Mr. Harper; nor does he content himself with a merely contrarian agenda, or allow his party's agenda to aimlessly drift according to the polls of the day- like the desperate, grandstanding Mr. Dion and Duceppe.
... Hopefully one day, Mr. Layton will put away his lava-lamp, and join us on the Right- a defender of individual liberty, instead of a persecutor.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Dion gets personal...

...Why would Mr. Dion's announcement that he is now going to "play the role of leader" be considered newsworthy, never mind front-page news?
... Nothing is more indicative of the media's Liberal bias than it's almost-universal absence of effort in articulating our elected government's initiatives, yet allowing apparently unlimited opportunity to Mr. Dion to elaborate on every idle opinion or predictable disagreement with our government's policies.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Farewell Mr. Dion

... Well, it's simple. In the next session of parliament, it is unlikely that Mr. Harper will make any false moves upon which the Liberals could capitalise. Actually, it is unlikely that Mr. Harper will make any real moves at all.
... Therefore, assuming that the Liberals will charge out cautiously clinging to last year's unrealistic offerings of implementing Kyoto and abandoning Afghanistan, it is 100% certain that they will remain in Opposition for as long as Mr. Dion is leader. With power for it's own sake as the party's only purpose, they have reached a dead end.
... Would a new leader make a difference? Maybe. Some hope is better than none.
... Or, maybe it is just great fun to fan the flames of their deserved division.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A National Foodcare system

... It's funny, if we had lived for the past few generations with a national "foodcare system"- with all the communist characteristics of indifferent efficiency, low quality, high expense, a shortage of farmers (the good ones having moved to the States), and long queues outside the government foodstore- waiting for a chance to shop with shelves often empty of state-brand food.... we would still have the inevitable outcry against the idea of a two-tier system, threatening our right to universal access to foodcare.

Monday, September 17, 2007

On Canada

... Perhaps, Canada's greatest strength is it's relative lack of nationalistic identity. That, despite self-serving manipulations of those who personally profit from promoting division, we know ourselves as individuals with personal strengths and weaknesses , in no way different than any other upon the earth.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Ontario and the Liberals

... In that, A) Mr McGuinty is easily the least inspiring leader in the history of Canadian politics , and B) The Liberal party basically stands for nothing... could their otherwise-unexplainable popularity be fairly considered an expression of Ontario's self-image?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

On the Left

... Ever notice how the Left never actually does anything. They will criticise and protest what others do, tax and spend other people's money, demand that politicians do something, demand wages from employers, stop business and government when their demands are not met, block public spaces and thoroughfares, etc.
... The Left is like a generation that never really grew up- psychologically frozen in the childish, magical worldview of the 60's- it's followers tragically stunted as angry, rebellious "outsiders"- never attaining their true stature as crucial, cheerful individual pillars of our society.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Liberals discuss economics

... It is encouraging to learn that at least one political party is beginning to discuss responsible economic alternatives, instead of merely perpetuating the current climate of simplistic socialist slogans which so easily appeal to both the innocent and the opportunistic.
... Unfortunately, Mr. Dion has indelibly defined himself at the left-wing extremity of the political universe. Perhaps, in the twilight of his leadership, it would more conceivably convey an illusion of personal integrity were he to remain so; allowing another to refocus the party in a more mature direction.