Friday, July 27, 2007

On Atheists 2

... It is always great fun to observe the intensity with which devote atheists pursue the "Latest Theories" on God, from "Leading Scientists"- individuals inexplicably idolised as spiritual authorities- perhaps hoping that, one day, enough blackboards of equations will disprove the presence of God.
... People will buy the next twenty volumes of "The DaVinci Code", visit a million web sites, spend a month naked on a mountain in India, do handfuls of mushrooms, or a thousand other things... anything to avoid a few quiet moments with the Gospels...

1 comment:

Filed Under Life said...

heh. amen.

i think that us humans, as vain as we are, do not like the idea that someone else could be in charge.

isn't it funny what our mind can come up with?